Türk Traktör
EVP FilmTürk Traktör is not only one of the oldest industrial institutions in our country, but also the oldest automotive manufacturer. It continues its journey, which it started in 1954, with exports to more than 130 countries today.

The company, which has the capacity to produce 50,000 tractors annually in its Ankara and Erenler factory, has more than 2,000 employees. Our part begins at this point. Türk Traktör asked our agency to design an EVP movie.

Employment Value Proposition phrase can be translated into Turkish as “Employee Value Proposition”. In other words, EVP is a way of explaining the expectations and offerings of the institution to its current employees, potential employees, recent graduates or university students. Türk Traktör Human Resources Department informed us that it wanted to explain this clearly to its employees with a short animated film.

First of all, we presented 3 different scenarios in line with the brief we received. After choosing one of them, sample drawings and then a plan-by-plan animation were prepared. As a result, we prepared an animated film that informs the employees about both the logo and meaning of the new brand and Türk Traktör. There was such a movie.