Things should belong to those who do well by them. Children to motherly women that they may thrive. And the valley to those who water it, that it may bear fruit.
Bertolt Brecht
Eymir Lake was an unwooded area at the beginning of 60s. After METU is founded; students, academicians and local people started to plant trees then regenerated, bloomed this area. Reforestation efforts was awarded world famous Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 1995. However, at the same time interest groups realized unearned income potential of this area. METU is accused that lake is closed to community and polluted. In recent years, this debate has increased steadily. Today, some politicians argue that lake need to be taken from METU by citing new laws. At the same time skyscrapers rising and construction of new buildings continues apace around the lake.
“Eymir” documentary tells the story of reforestation and regenaration of Eymir Lake and ask questions about construction pressure around this lake.

Director: Yasin Semiz
Music: Ayyuka, Hayvanlar Alemi, Ezginin Günlüğü, Zero Project
Voice over: R. Onur Duru
Editing: Cem Özer, Yasin Semiz
Cameraman: Emrah Turan, Turgay Al
Featuring: Meryem Beklioğlu, Ali Hakkan, Tarık Şengül, Meltem Yılmaz, Bilgin Kaftanoğlu, Mustafa Yetiş, Murat Yumrutaş, Neşet Kocabıyıkoğlu, Esen Faruk Özsan, Tuncer Sümer, İsa Demirtaş
Festivals and Awards
TRT Documentary Days Marmara University Special Price
İstanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival 3rd best documentary award
Özgür Filmler Festival Jury Special Prize
1001 Belgesel Film Festival selection
Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Film Festivali selection
Ayvalık Film Festival selection
Labor Film Festival selection
Boston Turkish Film Festivali documentary competition
Antalya Golden Orange documentary competition finalist (competition canceled because of censorship)